Monday, May 26, 2014

Appreciate...Thank You


8:06 AM (12 hours ago)
to me
This could become a lucrative undertaking for you. Though it may not be of interest to you. I'm thinking your keeping residents apprised of the goings on is an invaluable tool, we certainly appreciate it. Would be nice to compensate you. 
Tony and Inga


Web Master Reply;Thank you folks and as stated before appreciate the readership and thank you's. But lucrative is not of interest, The Blogsite was started here in 2008 and was developed to keep Anasazi at its best and the place we want to continue calling home.It is the interest of residents like you who care about the things going on here at Anasazi and keeping abreast is whats needed.

We have made strides in losing some of the old stagnant board that had a monopoly here for so many years, It has not been broken as of yet, This year the BIG PUSH is to finally remove Brian Mcbride from our Board, He has not been a resident for over 2 years and yet is our President ?? But with the following here it is a accomplishment that can be reached.

We will this week also go into detail about a term limit here for Board Members, Many have asked and we will address this issue later in the week.  Tony & Inga ..Welcome to Anasazi Talk and Thank you for reading it is appreciated....