Friday, May 23, 2014

A Resident's Opinion.......

A policy should be established !!

If Wayne doesn't have common sense, that all calls are returned by the end of the business day.

 It's not just about property management.....a major part of his job is HOSPITALITY.  This means saying hello to owners and guests while on property or in the clubhouse.  (I was talking with another resident and we were ignored in the Clubhouse when Wayne walked right past us.)

Also, how often are cleaning costs reviewed?  You will not get the same service you had until you bring it back in house...and get a person in charge who sets an example.  The cleaning people need to take pride in their work.  What a concept!   No cleaning company employees will though....  

How about suggesting that Wayne do a comparison with the current company/different companies/bring it back in-house.  Bringing it  in-house would require him to manage the people and their methods...probably too challenging for him.

........Thanks   "We Know"  Build 12