Thursday, August 10, 2017

Gates Broken Again last nite

Guess What ?
No gates working again.
Gated Community ?

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Rosalie Signorelli Ciardullo As a prospective buyer this is not encouraging!

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Reply45 mins
Michael Sansone About 12 days a month average ..they are broken .. but no one wants to appropriate money to fix the important things here. They're just getting ready to appropriate money to entertain the winter visitors who have drained this place

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Reply43 mins
Rosalie Signorelli Ciardullo Perhaps the board needs to be drained!

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Reply35 mins
Michael Sansone That's our problem here we have a board that does not live here a majority of them and they have changed the voting so that they can elect who they want this is a community of 600 but with the new 20%it is run by 120 people.

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Reply29 mins
Rosalie Signorelli Ciardullo How about a class action law suit enabling ONLY full time residents to be board members? Only people who care about their community!

Michael Sansone
Michael Sansone Many here here may be.on board with that

Michael Sansone Are you using your own Realtor??...Some here