Friday, June 26, 2015

"The Brown Envelope" (Janet Frintner)

Along with all the emails I receive, Over 80 last week, I also receive from time to time a brown envelope with no return address,

Now today's enveloped enclosed a complete copy of lawsuit that JANET FRINTNER has against our
community. I will be publishing it this next week for all to read !!   And I think ALL OF YOU SHOULD !

We all know that when Janet was voted out of office in one of the largest margins in Anasazi History, She felt betrayed by the community !!  Just think this is a way to get even for all of us taking "Madame Presidents" coveted title away....But the residents said enough is enough and booted her to the curb..NOW SHE WANTS OUR MONEY???   MOVE ALONG JANET !!..How much did you make here while on Board of Directors all those years ??  Good Question for all to ponder...