Thursday, August 27, 2015

Yet Another Email

8/26/20157:57 PM (36 minutes ago)
to me
Yes 9am o'clock mtg is ridiculous, wonder what they have up their sleeve this time.  What happens at 5 o'clock on Friday when NMW turns off service? Are we then left with nothing?  Would you suggest we don't show up at 9?  Thoughts please...

Let me add there definitely needs to be term limit to these board members, I say 2 yrs. the ones we have now get too comfortable doing nothing.

No board member should live here only six months of year.  They need to be full time residents!!!

I would like to be invited to these resident meetings if possible.

You need to be president of board and get these yahoos moving.


Sent from my iPad


Anasazi Talk Reply: Attending the meeting will have no bearing on the vote, It is a done deal temporarily they say ?   Dish Network.... I think everyone should decide for themselves if they should attend, I have talked with many who work and feel this was a poor choice for a meeting that had this kind of issue at 9am

As stated before the full time residents need to start being part of meetings again , many shied away after the years under Janet and Izzy and their Kingdom..Involvement is what is needed by all here..People gave up going to meetings with NO VOICE AND 3 MINUTE TIMERS

We allowed our fate of this board to the vote of 60 winter visitors with the vote debacle here last election..Many stated they were elected by the community..FALSE....NOT EVEN 10% OF OWNERS VOTED WITH WRITE IN CAMPAIGN...