Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Cost for Contract Services At Anasazi 2014

Dear Anasazi Talk: Can you print following figures on your web sight

Here is the list of vendor services last year 2014

Smoke Detectors $227,00.00 (Phase 1)

Landscape - $116,740.00

Security - $91,780.00

Janitorial Service - $83,996.00

AAM Management - $56,400.00

Tree Trimming - $41,950.00 

Resurfacing Asphalt (2015) $40,00.00

Trash Removal - $34,792.00

Pool and Spa Maintenance - 31,200.00 

Elevator Maintenance - $30,409.00

Termite control - $5760.00

exterminator - $2780.00

Fire Monitor - $2694.00

TOTAL $776,251.00

Contract Services Account for 35% of our yearly Budget, Yet there is no record of ever getting competitive bids here at Anasazi