Well with the election here very soon, there is a very qualified candidate that did not make ballot deadline, and she is very qualified to be on this board and should be as she is a full time resident, who has attended all meetings and truly has Anasazi's growth as a priority. Here is Bio and we urge you to write in her name
Bio for Dana Jones
• Executive Secretary at Honeywell for 45 years. Retired December 2012.
• FULL time resident for 16 years (Bldg 13) – will ALWAYS be available for all board meetings and Residents concerns.
• Regularly attends HOA meetings open to residents.
• Interested in increasing homeowner’s attendance at HOA meetings and social events.
• Strive to keep operating costs down to build up our Reserve account.
• Work in harmony with Board members in the best interest ofResidents.
• Ensure Anasazi will continue to be a beautiful place to call home for full time and seasonal Residents.
• Continue to have Anasazi run by a competent Management company – NOT run by residents.