Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Thank You For Your Support !

As Some of you know , I have have worked with the MISS Foundation here in Phoenix
for over 12 years.And many of Anasazi Residents  have supported many of our fundraisers with outstretched arms, Of which I have always been so very grateful.

Thanks to Sharon in office who helped me with with clubhouse for some fundraiser meetings here this last year.Appreciated !

In 2008 I became a mentor to other parents,  dealing with older child death and Accidental death.After the loss of my Daughter at 23 in 2001 by a hit and run driver

 In 2010 after further studying and  training I became a Facilitator.

In 2012 after doing an (See video below)  Interview on NBC's With Kevin Kennedy on a Fathers Day piece about the MISS Foundation, Myself and another fellow Dad Formed the MISS Foundations  "Sad Dads Club" In which many of you residents attended our Casino Night Fundraiser in February.

This week I was given notice that I have been approved to be the Facilitator for the first all male support group for the MISS Foundation. Our first round table will be on September 25,2014 and be a once a month group...I thank all of you who have supported and honored me by keeping the memory of the children gone too soon and have continued to support this wonderful cause


Since 1996, the MISS Foundation C.A.R.E.S. for families experiencing the death of a baby or child at any age and from any cause. 
The MISS Foundation provides a sanctuary allowing healthy and necessary grieving in the face of tragedy which Western culture no longer fosters or supports.
More than 120,000 children die every year in the United States. Of those, more than 80% die before their first birthday. The MISS Foundation is a 501 (c) 3, volunteer based organization committed to providing crisis and long term support to families after the death of a baby or child. The MISS Foundation also participates in legislative and advocacy issues, community engagement and volunteerism, and culturally competent, multidisciplinary, education opportunities. We are the originators of the KIndness Project, which began in 1997 by our founder, Dr. Joanne Cacciatore.
We are place where families can feel connected to others during their darkest hours.