Sunday, December 21, 2014

Dog Owners Beware

Good morning! I wanted to let people know to be on the look out for chocolate being dropped by the cactus garden.

 When walking our dogs this morning my husband and I saw A LOT of brownies dropped (scattered around, homemade, not like someone just dropped them accidentally).

 Chocolate is very dangerous for a lot of dogs and animals in general. I'm not sure if this was a malicious act (I'd like to think ignorance over that).

 I picked up a lot of it but animal owners should be aware so no one gets a sick pet! 

Feel free to post on the blog as well 

Jaclyn Campbell


Continued Conversation From Anasazi Talk on Face book 

  • Maryellen Crall  >>  Jaclyn   where in the cactus garden did you find the brownies, cause I  it is. If it is the person I
  • think I know whohe person I think it is, they have been told umpteen times not 
  • to toss bread etc off their balcony.

  •    Jaclyn Campbell>>>       Right in the front along the main walk path. I warned another pet owner walking by as I was grabbing a bag to pick it up. it was big chunks... I was really shocked.
  •  I see people leave out bread for birds but chocolate baked goods are not appropriate for any type of animal ( unless it's for your own and you know their reaction to such treats).