Friday, March 14, 2014



I have talked with New Board members and they are promising changes here,

Anasazi Talk will refrain from political comment for a couple month's to see if these promises are started or  enacted here at Anasazi!  This is in fairness to New Board Members WE ELECTED.

Many of you know the stories that were printed here and on Anasazi living were responsible for getting many of you caught up on things here at Anasazi, Your actions resulted in our change to Board here, We have come a long way and will continue to monitor things here.

We will continue to keep you apprised  of things and work here at Anasazi and also places, events, etc...We are not going anywhere , but just allowing the new board members to showcase what they have for the community..

.Believe me if things go astray  we will be here to inform you all...

Brian and Faye's terms are up this year so if they continue to act in ways of previous actions We will have the opportunity to VOTE them out just like we did Janet Frintner

I was OVER RUN with letters last week and have added a tab on top of website for those letters received, just click on it to see the subjects that you are all concerned with.

Your letters and comments are always welcome and thank you for the support