Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Want One ??

Many Asking HOW TO ORDER
Great for next board meeting ?


Posted by Office Today ????
Marta Vega has withdrawn her name as a candidate for the Board of Directors.

She was one of only 2 worth voting for?? There is a scam running here...

Anyone know the real reason for this??

We have a Board of useless idiots running..We are letting out of state and out of country folks run here for Board

Many see a large lawsuit coming!!!

Monday, January 29, 2018

Owners vs Renters/Visitors

Another Sunday afternoon of renter's, kids jumping all over the chairs, broke three recliner chairs at the pool yesterday. Which is why I keep saying that owners should have different rights than renters or winter visitors. If you don't own here you don't take care of things like they're your own. We have people that come here and rent for 3 months and have more of a voice as stated before then owners. They wonder why there is such a divide here between full-time renters and snowbirds. And the Divide gets bigger every year... Watch for a future post this week on discussion to solve this issue

Storage lot ?

This car has been parked outside building 5 for over 2 months, the owner doesn't live in our building and many residents are tired of seeing this covered car outside our front windows every day.

 This car is from building 14- 15 it should be parked over there... Hoping this note stir some action otherwise there are 9 of us ready to sign a paper to bring to your office from building 5 alone. 

Bad enough we have to look at the rental truck outside the window all weekend. When did building 5 become the dump off Zone.... You're looking into this matter will be appreciated.Michael build 5


Reply from Wayne:

Good morning,

Any vehicle that is in an “open” spot is not against the Anasazi rules. The rules don’t require them to only park in front of  a certain building.  The Anasazi rules do say the vehicle cannot be abandoned flat tires etc. At this time, the car does not violate the Anasazi Rules set forth.  However, the moving van was in violation and noted.

Wayne Yurk CAAM,

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Free + Donuts = Snowbirds.......lol

Par for the course ..lol
Snowbirds lined up in front of office for the free Donut from CenturyLink today...😂😂😂

Friday, January 26, 2018

Beer Drinkers ?

Arizona Beer Week 2018

February 8th – 18th: Over 200 Events Across the State!

  • Tickets for the largest craft beer festival in the Southwest start at $60.
  • What you see is what you get pricing! No extra fees tacked on!
  • Super VIP and VIP includes a commemorative Strong Beer trucker hat.
  • Super VIP includes a Friday night fan engagement at Valley Bar in the heart of downtown Phoenix!
Here’s where you can order tickets and find out more!

Thursday, January 25, 2018



This guy will flush Anasazi right down the crapper


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Walking Around ?? Lol.. BOARD Members

A letter from the Board?

Maybe if they start walking the grounds they would notice the horse size dogs for starters ??lol

How do they walk the grounds when they live out of state or out of Country...Lol 


The governing documents that you received when you purchased your unit at Anasazi clearly state that any exterior change to your unit be approved by the board of directors. This means putting up sunshades or installing security or screen doors on your patio or front door require approval.

Over the past several years, owners have installed these items without notice to the board or management office. At the board meeting held last week, a full discussion took place about screen and shade colors that will be allowed and which won’t be allowed.

From here forward, the board and management will together walk the complex and note and log every security, screen and sunshade installed and cross-reference it with the approved requests on file at the office. If you have not requested the approval of this board or a prior board, you will receive a notice and form to complete with a deadline to return said form.

Ignoring the notice will result in receiving a violation letter and being put into the violation process. The goal in all of this work is to maintain the property in a manner which keeps up our property values and follow the CC&Rs which every owner received when they purchased their unit. The

Architectural Submittal Forms are available on the community website (www.AnasasziVillageCondos.com) under the Document Center, or can be picked up at the office.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Who we Will Vote For

BIG NO TO Faye Roberts , Ray Durney and Buff Scott and Dan Underwood..All bad for community and part of clic hurting Anasazi

Say YESSSS TO Marta Vega and Judi Wilson


Ariela Brand -UNKNOWN
I am a retired NY attorney and have been a full-time Anasazi resident, since moving to Arizona from
NY/Connecticut in 2013.
I have served on the Boards in both of my NY and Conn condos. I was also on the Board of the
Sisterhood of Temple Israel of New Rochelle, NY. It is a privilege to be of service to others, and I would
be honored to work on behalf of my Anasazi neighbors to not only maintain our beautiful community but
to make improvements where possible—all while working to maintain our current HOA charges.
I will be happy to meet with you to discuss your opinions and concerns.

Ray Durney - Non Resident
My wife and I have been residents of Anasazi since 2001. I am a retired educator, supervisor and
administrator on the secondary and college levels. I have substantial experience working on and chairing
many boards, committees and projects.
I ran for the Board three years ago with several ideas in mind. I wanted to complete the paver project that
had been started several years before I got on the Board and we were able to complete the project a
couple of years ago. Another interest of mine was to form committees to work with residents to enhance
and improve the community. For many years the Board did not see value in getting residents involved.
As chair of the Social/Activities Committee, with the support of a hardworking and dedicated committee,
our most satisfying accomplishment has been providing more and more activities for people to choose to
engage in. Therefore my goal is to continue to provide activities and events for this diverse community. I
also want to make sure that we continue to insure that this community be financially secure.

I have been on the board for six years and have had the pleasure to serve as president the last two
years. I enjoy being on the board and love the residences at Anasazi.
I would be very happy to serve on the board and appreciate your votes. We have accomplished many
projects since I’ve been serving. What I bring to the table in the large amount is common sense and I
want to have the community taken care of properly. I will represent the residences if you decide to vote
for me. Thank you so much for all you’ve done for me these last six years. I appreciate all the residence.

Buff Scott ----THE WORST PICK AT Anasazi
If elected, this will be my first on any Condominium Board. I have attended Anasazi’s Board meetings for
17 years. If one’s presence and input, plus close observation, have any qualifying value, my candidacy is
on track.
For 34 years, I functioned as a certified Psychiatric Aide, which embodied relating to and assisting in
solving problems, Also, as a Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist, I taught a course aligned with patient
recovery and discharge. During most of those 34 years, I also served as a Substance Abuse Counselor.
A personal concern is that I have a hearing impairment or auditory deficiency, which reduces my ability to
“pick up” every word spoken – especially from soft, low-level conversationalists. A Hearing Aid helps.
“Barriers,” however, will not prevent me from giving my best to our Anasazi community.

Daniel Underwood One of FAYES PICKS..LOL
I retired from municipal government where I served as Finance Director for the Cities of Pasco and
Richland Washington. I am fiscally conservative and approach issues with common sense and
practicality. I have previously served on two HOA Boards; one a 52 unity complex as treasurer through a
successful $2,800,000 lawsuit against the developer. I served as President of Washington Finance
Officers Association (7,000 members) and currently serve on the Executive Board of the Retired Public
Employees Council (10,000 members). I want to serve on the Board to ensure the continued viability and
specialness of our community.

 3 Years Secretary Anasazi HO
 11 Years Full Time Owner
 Personal achievements to beautify Anasazi and provide safety include: Solely contacting all owners
in Buildings 4, 7 and 16 to complete paver sidewalks throughout Anasazi. Owners contributed
approximately half; Project Completed. Cactus Garden sidewalks followed.
 Instrumental in seeing through to completion, the addition of a second sidewalk ramp for Building
3, second largest building.
 Active participant in Social Activities, particularly The Holiday Party and generally supporting all
social activities.
 Previously 7 years HOA Secretary in NYS
 34 Years with NYS government.

My husband and I have lived at Anasazi Village for two (2) years. We are full time residents in building 7,
unit 103 (23 steps from pool #2). We admired the grounds at Anasazi for at least three (3) years before we
purchased our HOME. We have had some opportunities to travel and work, but we are ready to stay at
My work experience includes banking, purchasing agent at 1000 mega watt generating plant, and for the
last 14 years, truly blessed to be self employed. With the ever changing economy we must be mindful of
costs and at the same time work to maintain our structure and 22 acres of landscaped grounds. I would like
to serve on our HOA Board. I will do my best to honor all the residents.
I am asking for your vote. Please don’t throw away your ballot --- VOTE. COMMENTS FROM Friends of Anasazi..Private Group
Denise Knope Thanks for this information

Joe Resident Buff Scott ? Have you ever talked to this looney Tunes...

Michael Sansone He is really weird, Used to send me weird religious stuff always till I blocked him ..lol

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Safe to Live here ?

Heavy police presence at Anasazi?
We have two major safety issues here at this time and we have a board that can't even handle over sized dogs

In building 12 last week the FBI, Phoenix SWAT team and the DEA converge down a unit of an owner who allegedly threatened to kill Governor Ducey. Many residents hear him yelling out of his kitchen window that he's going to kill everybody here. Wayne has assured us his apartment has been searched and he does not have any guns.????

Now building 15 has had police action 3 times in the last 3 weeks, from my understanding there's a man named Sean that lives with his mother who is constantly being thrown out for allegedly drinking. But last week nine-one-one was called to the clubhouse and found he had stabbed himself and they found him allegedly in a pool of blood.

Folks election is around the corner and meet the candidates is January 27th. First thing is we need board members that live on this property to see what's going on not from New York or Canada, Minnesota Etc

As stated before this board can't even control the oversized dog population let alone start guaranteeing the safety of residents with no one being fined or reprimanded

It's time to wake up things are getting serious here and you're all falling for the Kool-Aid that you hear at the board meeting when the board brings there a little handful of clappers.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018




APS will be changing out transformers on the property

starting Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2018

at approx. 8:00 AM

You may experience a disruption

in power to your home for a period

of one (1) to two (2) hours.

The work is expected to continue

through the entire week.

We will do our best to keep you informed as to what day they will be working on your building.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

6 person jacuzzi ?? Lol

9 round men in a tub...Rub a dub dub lol..Anasazi Winters .....

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Free Donuts !


For those residents that have inquired about Memorial Mass for Margaret's Son..Thank You all , we were overwhelmed with love this last 6 months..Flowers, food, sweets and gift cards !!

No words to thank those of you who shared their hearts with us

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Thank you Patti & Reid ..build 15 for the thoughtfulness and beautiful cactus plant.The compassion & Kindness are felt.

Class Action Suit Needed Here

More from Private Friends of Anasazi Page

From my terrace we saw a young man walking a huge husky dog and when we looked down and said something to him he, with a snotty attitude said it was a service dog and that the office has the paper work! No vest either!

LikeShow more reactions
Michael Sansone They live in two different buildings one lives in building 16 and has one of the Huskies and the son lives over in building 8 somewhere with another husky. Not service dogs. All service dogs are required to wear a vest

Rosalie Signorelli Ciardullo I’m told the vests can be bought on line.

Michael Sansone This is the BOARD...We have over 12 oversize dogs on property and 2 are confirmed service dogs...BOARD Wont do anything during re-election..Need to get a group of residents to start signing complaints or class action suit..
Rosalie Signorelli Ciardullo Is there a term limit for board members? If not bylaws need to be changed.


Michael Sansone No Limits..You dont even have to live here to be on board ??? what a Joke Huh??


Rosalie Signorelli Ciardullo I’d love to attend the meetings at St. Joseph’s if I can get a lift.

Michael Sansone That's just the annual meeting , where all the snowbirds clap for the board they have in their pocket..Need to attend meeting here and see the dysfunctional people..Thats the reason no one attends anymore ..Its a freak show